It’s funny how so many times, we pursue things we know that are bad for us. It’s almost like, the more that’s at stake and the more it could hurt us, the more reckless we become with ourselves. We put labels on it and fool ourselves. We’re the best at fooling ourselves. We say things like; but what if or it can only get better, or my favorite, it just feels right. Sometimes things that feel right at the time are just our hearts convincing our minds that what we want is a good idea. We don’t like conflict. We want our hearts and minds to be in sync. We talk ourselves into thinking our desires have a greater purpose; that there is some kind of bigger picture. Is that just another excuse to make ourselves feel better when our choices turn out to be not everything we hoped for at first? That’s when we start making things ‘complicated’. We start getting disappointed but we hold on to that pain and carry it around and become some kind of hero or martyr; suffering in the name of ‘longing’ or what ‘could’ be and what we hope to get out of it.
There will always be bumps in the road and by all means, follow your dreams and go for what you want, even when it gets hard. I think we can expect things to get hard. Nothing comes easy and sometimes the struggle is worth it. But how can we distinguish between being fearless, motivated and driven with being, simply put, foolish, carless and naïve. That is my question. Should we never give up and continue hoping; waiting, or should we move on?
I think sometimes, we just need to make decisions for ourselves; for our well-being. When something that’s supposed to make you happy brings you more pain than joy, maybe it’s time to step away and find a new path to follow. But hey, what do I know :)