Sunday, May 1, 2011


It’s funny how when you go somewhere different, somewhere far away from home, things fall into perspective. You realize things about yourself and see things differently. You see your life from a distance and sometimes, it’s not what you expected or thought it was. Then you might realize it’s not what you want. It seems simple and easy from a distance. You get this new sense of ambition and desire. You picture you’re life the way you want it to be and it seems so possible. So realistic. It almost feels effortless, like it’s already changed. But once you’re there, once you’re back, everything gets a little more complicated. What was it that I wanted? And how was I planning on changing things? You get used to the way things are and slip back into your comfort zone.  I wonder why we call it that. Why “comfort” zone? I’m not sure comfort is always the right word. It is what it is but is it always comfortable? Is it always satisfying and good for us? I don’t think it is. We accept things so easily sometimes. This is my life. These are the cards I’m dealt with. We settle for what’s handed to us and what’s in front of us. Is that enough? Should we not desire for more? There is always more and there is always better. I don’t think we should ever settle.