Friday, March 9, 2012

Stop by here, Here's my stop

There's a rhythm in the train, it's constant, it's fast, it doesn't look back
If you don't look, it may pass you by
Look carefully or you may miss something
Once it's passed it's gone 
If you're quick, you may catch a glimpse
That is, before something else catches your eye
Darkness surrounds you, the night has come
It feels thick, almost suffocating, drowning
White lights, red lights, yellow lights, sometimes green
Bright lights, dim lights, strong lights, weak lights
Out there they glow
Little beady eyes, staring at you, reminding you there's life out there
It's comforting but it makes you feel small, it makes you feel far away
When will this darkness end, you wonder as you get lost in the night
You can't tell where it ends and it begins
It is vast, it is real and it sucks you in
Your reflection never leaves you, it watches your every move
Sometimes it catches you off guard, sometimes you look for it
There you are... there YOU are
Do you stare back or do you look far beyond?'s my stop