Monday, April 23, 2012

You don't know me

Whenever I go through something I have this incessant need to get it all out whether that’s through writing, art or just talking it through until I feel like it’s out there and no longer bringing me down. It’s like a release; a way to free myself from the weight that it is. Things always sound different and hauntingly real when you say them out loud. Human expression is a beautiful thing, regardless of its form, but I’ve never realized how important it is to be aware and conscious of whom you express yourself too.

Once you put yourself out there and express your inner thoughts, feelings, doubts, struggles, pain, questions or whatever it may be; you allow people in. You allow them to have an input, an opinion, a say. You allow them to make assumptions and judgments. They may not intentionally do so, but they do. Once they take a look inside, they think they really know you. That state of vulnerability is only safe in the right hands. Our experiences and the emotions they arouse or trigger within us are sacred. They make us who we are. We are our thoughts, feelings, doubts, struggles, pain, joy, questions, memories, experiences. When we express ourselves, we are giving a piece of ourselves; we are sharing who we truly are.

In the words of Carrie Bradshaw,”…just below the surface, we’re all raw and exposed”. We all need that person. That person we know we can be raw and exposed with. I’ve realized recently how important it is to know who your real friends are. I’m not sure ‘real’ is the right word to use. I guess I mean the kind of friends you know you can trust with anything. Anyone can listen, but few people really care. And that’s okay. I guess what I’m trying to say is, know your person. Don’t throw yourself around, protect yourself and guard your heart.